Laurent Michelon is an entrepreneur in China who divides his time between Hong Kong and Beijing. A graduate of Sciences Po and INALCO, he has been based in the region for over 20 years, where he worked in French cultural diplomacy and for several international communications groups before developing his consulting activities for European companies in China and Chinese multinationals in Europe.
It’s impossible to find any information in the Western media that presents China in a light that is, if not positive, at least objective. Worse still, the public – the majority of whom are indifferent to China – are duly informed, even in their regional media, of all the evils of which China is regularly accused.
These are the symptoms of coordinated media propaganda aimed at tarnishing China’s image at all costs.
In his essay, Laurent Michelon offers a series of dispassionate explanations of the geopolitical issues raised in the media about China, before assessing the nature of its new relationship with France.
He attempts to restore a balance between the systematic misinformation that China is the victim of in the international media, and the reality of the Chinese renaissance.
Contrary to the trivial for-or-against divide imposed by the Western media on the topics they choose to cover, it’s not a question of being either pro or anti-China, but of grasping the complexity of the Chinese renaissance in order to make our bilateral relationship bear fruit, since the opportunities for co-prosperity are so numerous and won’t be coming up again any time soon.
Version originale en français :